Systematically and analytically leverage potential
Six Sigma means taking a systematic approach to process improvement while applying analytical and statistical methods. With its focus on practical applications, our program will help you precisely analyze and improve the processes in their company. This is based on the DMAIC method: Define – Measure – Analyze – Improve – Control. The objective of Six Sigma is to optimize quality, lower costs and improve client satisfaction.
We offer you a three-phase in-house Six Sigma training program – from a Green Belt for developing
problem-solving competence to the expert-level Black Belt all the way to the Master Black Belt, the program for leading Six Sigma programs. In addition, we also train Yellow Belts (project support) as well as Six Sigma Champions (project sponsors).
Each training module consists of 2 training weeks of 5 days each (10 days in total). Complementary coaching and review days can be (not include in pricing) add-on. Senior Six Sigma und Lean Six Sigma Experts (German and English natives) accompany your qualification Program.
Development of problem solving competency (2× 5 days)
You learn about the individual phases and methods of (Lean and) Six Sigma and consolidate what you have learned with the aid of practice-oriented exercises. Concurrent with the course, you apply what you have learned to an actual improvement project in your company
Expert training (2× 5 days)
You deepen your knowledge of (Lean and) Six Sigma tools and methods and purposefully apply statistical evaluation and project management in practical examples. Concurrent with the course, you apply what you have learned to a comprehensive problem solving project in your company.
Expert training as (Lean) Six Sigma leader (2× 5 days)
This training provides you with the qualification as (Lean) Six Sigma leader with technical responsibility. Focus is on the teaching of competencies for the development of a (Lean) Six Sigma organisation as well as the future strategic development of your company.
Our in-house training programs include all of the Six Sigma seminars.