Optimize production processes – shorten decision-making processes

staufen magazine 2024 | No. 7 | Zhiel Abegg | Leadership and Organizational Development

After its main plant in Germany, ZIEHL-ABEGG is also converting its plant in Marcali, Hungary, to Shop Floor Management. Within just a few months, the first production processes were optimized and decision-making processes were shortened. Digital solutions such as the ValueStreamer also facilitate communication and enable precise monitoring of key figures and measures. The introduction of Shop Floor Management is now being extended to other production areas in order to establish operational excellence throughout the organization.


If one talks to Ferenc Szijarto and Sándor Sárdi one quickly notices that the two managing directors of ZIEHL-ABEGG Hungary are proud of what they have achieved in Marcali – 15 kilometers from the southern shore of Lake Balaton. And rightly so: the Shop Floor Management project carried out together with Staufen was successfully transferred to productive operation within just around three months. Now, thanks to standardization and digitalization as well as clearly defined key figures, all developments in manufacturing fan grilles can be precisely tracked and controlled at any time.

Fixed Targets for Productivity and
Efficiency Indicators

“In our plant in Marcali, we had already taken preparatory measures and introduced a first Shop Floor Management (SFM), a kind of SFM 1.0, so to speak. Overall, however, we lacked focus, which is why, together with Staufen, we set ourselves fixed goals when introducing the new Shop Floor Management, especially in regard to key figures such as productivity, quality, efficiency and occupational safety,” says Ferenc Szijártó. Immediate successes were quickly apparent in a smoother and therefore faster workflow. Whereas previous deviations in production or machine problems were immediately escalated to the higher levels as part of maintenance, there are now clear processes in place to find a suitable solution directly on site. “This has significantly increased our ability to react and means we don‘t always have to make numerous decisions at a higher level. This significantly reduces the operational burden on management,” says Sándor Sárdi.

We want to quickly establish operational excellence throughout the entire organisation..

Ferenc Szijártó
Managing Director, ZIEHL-ABEGG Hungary

Digital Shop Floor Management
Facilitates Communication

From the very beginning, Marcali did not use physical boards and introduced a digital solution called ValueStreamer, which quickly established itself as the heart of efficient management and facilitated communication. A major advantage was that ValueStreamer not only records and monitors key figures, but also defines and facilitates the tracking of these measures. In addition, the Staufen consultants conducted intensive training courses in production and also trained the managing directors, the plant manager and numerous department and shift managers in Shop Floor Management. The next step will be the SFM roll-out in two other production areas, where components for the final assembly of ZIEHL-ABEGG fans are also manufactured in Germany.

Operational Excellence
also in Indirect Areas

In future, the indirect areas, such as logistics, maintenance and quality assurance, will also be integrated into the SFM workflow. Managing director Ferenc Szijártó: “Here, we are also not starting from scratch. In logistics, for example, certain Lean Management methods have already been introduced. We are therefore assuming rapid implementation and want to quickly establish operational excellence throughout the entire organization.” In addition, the technical basis is to be further optimized. For example, work is being done on further options for automated data transfer from production to the ValueStreamer. In addition to the resources they have now built up by themselves, and the support from its German headquarters, ZIEHL-ABEGG Hungary is also continuing to rely on Staufen‘s support in order to ensure that it does not lose the focus it has now found. “We are delighted that we were able to convince ZIEHL-ABEGG of our path and are therefore happy to provide inspiration and sparring partners for the next steps,” says Robert Velenczei, Country Manager Hungary at Staufen.

Managing Director

Managing Director

Lots of Positive Feedback from ZIEHL-ABEGG Headquarters

Managing director Sándor Sárdi particularly praises the fast and very practical way of working that characterizes the entire project to this day: “Instead of weeks of complex audits, thanks to Staufen, we had a complete quick check and a reliable result within three days.” In addition, the SFM roll-out in Marcali has also improved cooperation with the Ziehl-Abegg colleagues in Germany. “We have received a lot of positive feedback from headquarters, and we are now working more closely together at all levels and exchanging the most important key figures directly via the ValueStreamer in meetings. This makes work a lot easier.”


ZIEHL-ABEGG is a specialist in air, control, and drive technology, based in Germany. The company employs around 5,000 people worldwide and operates 15 production plants. The company recently achieved record sales of 955 million euros.




Mio. € turnover


plants in 6 countires

Your Contact
Portrait Rober Velenczei, Country Manager Hungary, STAUFEN.AG

Róbert Velenczei

Country Manager Hungary


Phone: +36 20 380 1039

Mail: robert.velenczei@staufen.ag

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As the leading top management consultancy for operational excellence, we enable our clients to improve results in all areas along the value chain.


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