How to improve performance and administration processes cost

May 23, 2018 | News Brazil

Nowadays, it is still usual to find companies that have management of administrative processes whose performance accompaniments occur every six months or annually, usually in function of personal bonuses, and where day-to-day management is done around the emergency department. In addition, it is rare to find, in administrative places, transparent indicators of quality and deadline, as well as a department responsible for a process as a whole and with few interfaces. Therefore, establishing the routine to perform a management based on correct processes and their indicators is a great challenge, but in a scenario like Brazil, where the indirect cost of companies is increasing, achieving this challenge fundamental.  The reasons why business management continues so are several. However, the main issue is how to have a more efficient management process, focusing on team development in solving problems and increasing company performance.   And also, how to adequately plan the day-to-day of a department often seen as unpredictable and that not dependent on machines, but rather on people.   

In response to the challenge of increasing the efficiency of management process in administrative department, office floor management is a method that depends on tools and leadership behavior, permeated at all levels of the company and has the following routine. 

The results that this method of management brings are numerous and applicable in any company. In the project carried out at the Kreissparkasse Bank in Germany which the consultant Nathalia Yamaha worked in years 2016 and 2017 (see paper), the amount of overtime reduced 92%, increasing employee satisfaction, the rush of the end of month to goal achievement was eliminated and the bank  was able to save 1 million euros in the 18-month period after starting the project, in addition to meeting its annual growth and cost targets besides, the company gained 3,2% in productivity making it possible to invest in a robust group of continuous improvement without a fixed cost increase.  

Nowaday, industries and service companies visit the bank to see the results of the implementations and how theoffice floor management method applies to all process turning waste into profitability. 
By Nathalia Yamanaka

alquer empresa. No projeto realizado no Banco Kreissparkasse na Alemanha, no qual a consultora Nathalia Yamanaka trabalhou no ano de 2016 e 2017 (veja artigo), a quantidade de horas extras reduziu em 92%, aumentando a satisfação dos colaboradores, a correria do final do mês para atingimento de metas foi eliminada e o banco conseguiu economizar 1 milhão de euros no período de 18 meses após início do projeto, além de atingir sua meta de custos e crescimento anual. Além disso, a empresa ganhou 3,2% em produtividade fazendo com que fosse possível investir em um grupo robusto de melhoria contínua sem aumento de custo fixo.

Hoje, empresas dos setores industriais e de serviços visitam o banco para ver os resultados das implementações e como o método do office floor management se aplica em todos os processos transformando desperdício em lucratividade.

Por Nathalia Yamanaka

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