Almost every fourth German industrial company now classifies the probability of its business model being affected by a disruptive attacker within the next two years as “high” or even “very high.” For comparison: Just a year ago, only 16 percent of companies could imagine such a short-term attack. This has been illustrated by the “German Industry 4.0 Index” from business consultancy Staufen. For the study, the experts from Staufen Digital Neonex surveyed around 450 industrial companies in Germany.
“By far the greatest risk of a disruptive attack is, according to the surveyed companies, not from companies outside the industry but from well-known market players,” says Martin Haas, CEO of Staufen AG, on the results of the study, which has been conducted annually since 2014. “70 percent expect a short-term attack from their own industry. In the previous year at 59 percent, this value was significantly lower.”
As in the previous year, one in three industrial companies fears that a company outside the industry will succeed in pushing its way into the market with a disruptive idea. “One of the main concerns is the fact that only one in five industrial companies is even capable of developing disruptive digitization approaches that could replace their own business model,” says Haas. “The gap between our own innovative strength and the disruptive potential of our competitors has therefore noticeably increased.”
The sensitivity that has grown significantly in previous years – in 2016, only one out of every ten industrial companies considered a short-term disruptive attack possible – has yet to lead companies to want or be able to assume the role of the attacker themselves. There is not much time left for companies to make a change. This will also be evident at the Hanover Trade Fair in early April. Or, as a participant of the study from a DAX group said: “Digitalization is happening. It is not the question of when a company should use digitization, but if and how long a company can survive economically without using digitization.”
Save the date: BestPractice Day 2019 on July 2, 2019
Europe’s leading Lean Management Congress
The rules have changed. If you want to stick around or get ahead, you need to take action! The motto of this year’s BestPractice Day on July 2, 2019 in Darmstadt (optional add-on workshops on July 3 and 4) is therefore “Learn. Lead. Shape change.” Experience a first-class program with key speakers from the lean, new work and digital scene. With more than 350 participants annually, BestPractice Day has earned the distinction of being the place for decision-makers in the fields of industry and science to meet. €100 early bird discount until April 15, 2019!
More Information: STAUFEN.AG Consulting.Academy.Investment. Kathrin Negele Blumenstr. 5 Tel: +49 7024 8056 155 kathrin.negele@staufen.ag
STAUFEN.DIGITAL NEONEX GmbH Maya Worm Königstr. 2 Tel: +49 711 933 55 840 maya.worm@staufen-neonex.de
Press: Thöring & Stuhr – Partnership for communication consulting Arne Stuhr Mittelweg 142 – D-20148 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 207 6969 83 arne.stuhr@corpnewsmedia.de
About Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH – www.staufen-neonex.de
Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH is a subsidiary of Staufen AG and provides consulting services to producers as they undergo digital transformation. In addition to pragmatic digital strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, topics relating to smart factory, data science and digitization of product ranges and business models are also part of the program. Those involved can count on Staufen Digital Neonex as a steadfast partner. Uncertainty and any mistrust are reduced through customized qualification programs. Even when it comes to smart factories, one thing holds true for Staufen: People make the difference.
About Staufen AG – www.staufen.ag
Inside every company there is an even better one. With this conviction, Staufen AG has been advising and qualifying companies and employees for 25 years. Markets are on the move – the competitive pressure is enormous. Staufen helps to quickly bring about the right changes, increase productivity, improve quality and increase innovative strength. With the appropriate strategies and methods, the international lean management consultancy ensures rapid and measurable success. In order to leverage the potential available in every company, Staufen consultants establish a lively and sustainable culture of change together with executives and employees. Staufen subsidiary Staufen Digital Neonex supports medium-sized industrial companies on their path to digital transformation. The Academy of Staufen AG also offers certified, practice-oriented training courses. Of the 13 international locations, more than 320 employees serve customers all over the world. In 2018, Staufen AG was recognized by “brand eins Wissen” as “Best Consultants” for the fifth year in a row. According to the renowned industry study “Hidden Champions 2018,” the consulting firm is Germany’s best lean management consultancy and was honored several times with the “Best of Consulting” award by the “Wirtschaftswoche” journal.