According to the latest study “The Future of Training and Development”, 46 percent of employees would like to see a significantly higher commitment level by their direct supervisor in their professional education. Only 17 percent of employees are really satisfied with the personalized advancement efforts – for example in the form of personal coaching meetings – undertaken by their direct supervisor. For this study, more than 1,000 employees across Germany were surveyed on behalf of the Staufen Academy.
Not only that, but almost half of the employees (49 percent) are of the opinion that their direct supervisor does not have a good grasp of the need for continuing education within their own team. According to Peter Ullrich, who as Master Trainer at the Staufen Academy is responsible for the educational content, companies are thus leaving many opportunities untapped, especially in the ongoing struggle to overcome the shortage of skilled workers. “Decision-makers should definitely be asking themselves how they can strengthen the loyalty of their own employees, in those key positions especially, with active knowledge management.”
Despite this, according to the Staufen Academy study, already today, the greatest initiative for continuing education is being initiated by management. Three out of ten employees were offered their most recent education program by their supervisor as a voluntary measure, and another ten percent were required by their supervisor to attend continuing education programs. However, when it comes to following up on the effectiveness of the measure, in many companies, the urgently needed subsequent exchange is just not there.

Peter Ullrich
Master Trainer, Head of Content & Didactics

Peter Ullrich
Master Trainer, Head of Content & DidacticsSTAUFEN.AG
Peter Ullrich has a degree in physics and is a professional Scrum Master. He is a trainer at Staufen Academy and is also responsible for trainer staffing and instruction. He has operational leadership experience and manages international clients and projects. Peter Ullrich is an expert in engaging people in change projects and is experienced in training and consulting in direct and indirect areas. He also has extensive industry experience in mechanical and plant engineering, vehicle construction, services, and electrical engineering.
Peter Ullrich can look back on 20 years of experience in optimizing technical workflows and business processes and over 15 years of experience as a trainer and facilitator of change processes.
A feedback meeting with the direct supervisor is only held following every third continuing education measure
For example, only every third employee (36 percent) indicated that a feedback meeting was held with their supervisor upon completion of their last education program. “Training and development should not be considered a “treat”, but instead it should follow a corporate goal. Every employee has a different idea of what good training looks like. This is why it must be reviewed after the completion of each program whether the continuing education was in fact the right choice in terms of subject matter, whether it had the right degree of depth and which program would build on it”, says the continuing education expert Ullrich.
However, if they are to grow into this increasingly important role as mentor and coach, leaders need to communicate regularly not only with their own staff, but with their colleagues in HR development as well. After all, it is only through continuous exchange that we can offer continuing education programs that are tailored both to the company’s objective and the individual needs of its employees.
Executives have to start with themselves
This fits in with the fact that three quarters (75 percent) of employees believe that communication skills are the most important quality of any leader. Four out of ten respondents (42 percent) attest to the fact that this was where their supervisors needed the most training. “Before a leader can motivate and energize others, they must first start with themselves and determine whether they have the right mindset to foster an environment of open-mindedness, appreciation, and trust within the team,” say Peter Ullrich. Because a leader can only really be effective if they are able to recognize what the situation requires and what the team needs to reach the corporate goal.”

About “The Future of Training and Development” study
For “The Future of Training and Development” study, the Staufen Academy surveyed a total of 1,045 employees from a range of sectors (i.e. industrial, chemical, IT/telecommunications, banking/insurance, retail and energy) across Germany. The survey was conducted in May 2023. The study can be downloaded for free: